Welcome to "Everything Comes Out In The Wash.com" If you can answer "Yes" to any of the following questions....Please take the time to drink in this FREE on line book.
1. Are you having thoughts of suicide, hopelessness, paralyzing fear, depression, anxiety, worry..... and overall torment?
2. Does it seem, or feel like, invisible things are talking to you and whispering negative thoughts?
3. Do you hate anyone.....including yourself?
4. Have you been hurt or emotionally wounded in church or by "religious" people....including those in authority over you?
5. Are you cutting or hurting yourself in any way to inflict pain, because you feel you deserve it?
6. Do you cuss like a drunken sailor or have moments of uncontrollable rage and anger?
7. Are you obsessed with food? Do you puke or starve yourself?
8. Are you hiding secret sin, hoping nobody will find it out, because you are ashamed?
9. Do you lie, when it is easier to tell the truth?
10. Are you into porn? Have you been sexually abused, mistreated, or beat up?
11. Are you obsessed with sex, drugs, gambling, alcohol, pills, cigarettes, or other forms of addictive behavior?
12. Are you angry with God, and blaming Him for things in your life?
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you have made the first step towards your deliverance.....GETTING HONEST!!!
As you scroll down this page, it is simply the INTRODUCTION and CHAPTER SUMMARIES to "Everything Comes Out In The Wash!!!" Go to the bottom of the page and click on the blue finger pointing to the FREE on line version. My motive and prayer is that by me "letting it all hang out" you will get set free by a loving and merciful God!!!
May you be flooded with many blessings from above!!!
Michelle Alena Lovejoy
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No life is too dirty for JESUS to clean up!
Chapter Summaries
© Copyright 2016 author: Michelle Alena Lovejoy
I have attempted to start this book numerous times, and have literally been running from the assignment that God gave me seven years ago. Today is July 4, 2009, and He has set me free to write what is on His heart, and what the world needs to hear. My message is not "warm and fuzzy", it is not politically correct..... but it is the truth. I have figured out that running from God is too hard, trying to hide is impossible, and being double minded is a curse. The Lord gave me the word "409 "back in April of this year. Considering the fact that I am a "clean freak" I knew what He was saying. He was asking me to walk 100% for Him, and He wanted me to come clean in every area of my life. He was no longer going to allow me to get away with anything.
The title of this book, "EVERYTHING COMES OUT IN THE WASH!!! is prophetic. The Lord gave me that title many years ago. He said that it meant two things. First, it meant that EVERYTHING YOU DO, GOOD OR BAD, WILL EVENTUALLY COME OUT IN THE OPEN!!! Secondly, it meant NOTHING THAT YOU HAVE DONE, AND YOU ARE STILL ALIVE ON THIS EARTH, IS BAD ENOUGH THAT THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST CAN'T CLEANSE AND FORGIVE......WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TAKING THE MARK OF THE BEAST (REVELATION 13:16-18) WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. I will elaborate more on this at the very end of this book!
*"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17
"But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known." Luke 12:2
"So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs." Matthew 10:26-27
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his SON , how much more having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have no received reconciliation." Romans 5:8
This is going to be a "let it all hang out book" and my sole purpose is that you DO NOT GO TO HELL. I will be speaking about sex, drugs, demons, and a suicide attempt back in college that allowed me to visit the tip of hell and come back into my body. Moreover, I will be discussing many spiritual lessons that I have had to go THROUGH ... not something I read in a book. It is my heart to express all this, so you can benefit and gain wisdom and insight from my hard lessons!!!
The fact that God would instruct me to write a book is very humorous!!! Anyone that knows me, especially my family, knows that I have never enjoyed reading. The truth is, other than the books that I was required to read in high school, I hardly ever read. I used to think that anyone who was a reader.....was a NERD!!! The only kind of books that I have read have been about spiritual matters, and even those have been limited. I am a very simple person, and I have no completed college education. I spent more than half of my life stoned on marijuana. I also need to make it very clear, that I am not a bible scholar, and I am learning new things every day. There will be people who read this, that are much more versed in the word than I am. I am simply telling you my life story from the perspective of a graceful, loving God that has walked me through hell.
The recent things that have been happening in the news have lit a fire in my spirit to get this written. I am speaking about the sudden deaths of several celebrities, murders, and suicides growing daily. The mass unemployment, despair, and the spirits of fear, depression and death becoming a daily message spewed from the media. The Lord had told me before the stock market crash in September of 2008 that "GROWN MEN WILL TAKE A GUN AND BLOW THEIR BRAINS OUT." I now know what He was talking about and why. Whether people want to hear it or not, we are truly living in the last days as we know it, and the prophetic clock is ticking at about 11:58 pm.
My job is to bring a huge wake up call to the body of Christ, and to all that do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. His heart is crying for the lost, and He wants as many people in the ARK as possible , before it is too late!!! The Lord said to me a few months ago , "YOU DO NOT HAVE AS MUCH TIME AS YOU THINK!!!" Those have been very SOBERING words. I need to make it clear, that I have never heard the voice of God audibly. However, I have learned to discern the small, still voice that always tells me the truth, and His name is the Holy Spirit. I have prayed that as you read this book, that God Almighty, who I know as Jesus, or The Holy Spirit, will permeate your heart , mind and spirit, and set you free from all demonic bondage that has kept you in captivity. You may find yourself sneezing, coughing, laughing, crying, yawning, passing gas, or burping...... which are all ways that demons are expelled . If these things occur, don't freak out, go with the flow!!!
I believe in demons. They are very real, and are literally running rampant on this earth and operating inside and through people. At one point in my life, I was loaded with them. Only heaven knows how many. I have a passion, and a calling, to bring deliverance to others, in the name of Jesus. It is time that I and the body of Christ, quit "playing church" and get real, and exercise our authority , in the name of Jesus, over the demonic realm. Satan and his army of demons need to be scared of us.......not the reverse, that we are scared of them!!! *
*"And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: AND WHATSOEVER THOU SHALT BIND ON EARTH SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN; AND WHATSOVER THOU SHALT LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN. Matthew 16: 18-19 "Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands , you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
James 4: 7-8
In simple terms, demons or spirits are simply fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven along with satan when he rebelled against God.* Satan , Lucifer(angel of light) has many different names. He led the worship in heaven, but decided that he was bigger and better than God. One third of the angelic host chose to follow satan. Hell was created for them, not people, which indicates that God knew what he was going to do. That is why He is God, He knows the beginning from the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega!!!
*"And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power (exousia) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (dunamis) of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10: 17-19 "Then He will say to those at His left hand, Begone from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!"
Matthew 25:4
God does not send people to hell, we send ourselves there. God sent Jesus to die on a cross for mankind worldwide. Jesus went to Hades for three days, so that you would not have to go to there for eternity. Jesus is the only man that was raised from the dead, which distinguishes Him from other "religions" and "religious teachers." Demons are instructed by satan to trap and ensnare you in various bondage, and different types of sin, so that you end up like them. It is a classic case of "misery loves company!!!" I will devote an entire chapter explaining more about this, and backing it up with scripture.
One of the reasons that it has been so difficult for me to focus on this book is because so much of what I need to share is very embarrassing, shameful, bizarre, and controversial. I have a friend back in Michigan, Paul, that always gives me the "Snoopy" analogy of my writing....."It was a dark and stormy night!!!" That is as far as Snoopy got on his writing endeavor, and that is how I have felt up until recently. The flow to write was simply not coming!!! I did an interview about going to hell on the 700 Club, a popular Christian TV ministry, in 1997. God orchestrated that entire transaction, which I will elaborate on later in the book.
Shortly thereafter, there was a brutal attack of the enemy that transpired in my own personal life. Some of it was delayed judgment of God, and some it was simply the devil trying to destroy and silence me. I arrogantly told God, "You can go get yourself another lackey to talk about hell, because I am never going to open up my mouth about this subject again!!!" Telling God what you are going to do, is like trying to fly a plane without any fuel....it is not going to happen!!! My motive is all about where you spend eternity and being obedient to God. A great analogy would be if I was walking past your house, and it was on fire, and I did nothing to help you. I didn't call 911, I didn't even go up to the front door, and see if there was anyway I could rescue you out of the flames before it was too late. If I don't tell you what I know, then your blood will be on my hands.*
*"At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me. 'Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of
I already have some blood on my hands, because this was to be written several years ago. People that I was supposed to reach have already died and gone to hell. That is a reality that I can no longer ignore or blow off. So, with all that said.....put on your seat belt, because you are getting ready to take a spiritual trip!!!
CHAPTER 1 "K.I.S.S." ©
I can recall at the age of sixteen , I became aware of satan and his many demons started talking to me, and tormenting me. At the time, I did not know what these voices were, but I knew that something invisible was talking to me. I can describe the spirits of depression and torment, hovering over me like a dark cloud, telling me that everything in life was bad, and I was no good.*
The best way I can describe it, is that it was like a big monkey on each shoulder. One would tell me, "you are a rat!!!" The other one would tell me, "kill yourself!!!" I now know these as spirits of death , torment, and suicide. Their assignment was to make me kill myself.* I now know that because all of the satanic music, all the drugs, and all the sin, I had opened myself wide to the demonic realm. These demons were very persistent, and they would not give up until I did what they told me to do.
The next thing I can remember, as I was laying down on my bed, is my body began to gyrate and shake like that of a snake. I could not control the movement. I began screaming, as the poison was permeating my system. I then recall my teeth clenching, I bit my tongue, and my spirit started going down a very BLACK SPIRAL TUNNEL, in which I heard HORRIBLE SCREAMING and MOANING.* The next thing I knew, I was back into my body, and there were paramedics hovering over me. Fellow students had heard me screaming, called the authorities, and they opened up my locked door.
I woke up in the hospital , not being able to believe what had just happened. Part of me was in disbelief that I did not die, and I screwed up my own demise. The other part of me, knew that I had been to a very bad place, but at the time, I did not know it was hell. Hell was only a place that I told people to go to , or used as a cuss word. I did not really ever think that it was real, nor had I ever been taught anything about it.
I would have to say that I feel strongly that my parents had much to do with coining the phrase, "TOUGH LOVE!!!" I say this because once they were informed of what had happened, my mother told the judge in Anderson, Indiana, to "THROW THE BOOK AT ME!!!" . Before I was actually sent to Westville, I was transported to Indianapolis, Indiana. It was there, that I was truly arrested by the Lord Jesus Christ, and He THREW HIS BOOK AT ME!!!
To make things even worse, shortly after the abortion, my breasts started leaking milk. My body thought that I had the baby. When I went back to the abortion clinic for a check up, I started talking to the doctor. I told him that I knew I had killed my baby and I was weeping incessantly. He opened up to me, and told me that he had to go home every night and DROWN OUT THE CRIES AND THE VOICES that he heard ...... with massive amounts of alcohol.
It came out that Kal's father had been a preacher. His father had an affair with one of the church members, and it was exposed. Kal's feelings about Christians, stemmed from the anger and the pain that he endured because of this. He was the classic preachers kid (PK) who often turn out to be very rebellious because of the things, and hypocrisy that they experience in church. As adults, he and his brother had gotten into witchcraft, in Europe, where he came from, and had become loaded with demons. His brother could levitate items, and Kal could read peoples minds and control them.*
I was filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, in his church.* It was shortly thereafter, that the Lord spoke to me, and said "WHAT YOU SAW.....WAS HELL!!!" He was referring to the BLACK SPIRAL TUNNEL, in which I heard HORRIBLE SCREAMING AND MOANING.
Harold's mother, who we would periodically visit, back in Mishawaka, Indiana, also told me not to marry Harold. She took me aside, and said, "Don't marry him, he is not a provider, and I do not want to go through this again!!!" She had already been through two other woman as daughter in laws, and knew deep down her son was not fit to be a husband!!! You would think that I would "get a clue" since I was soon to become wife number three!!!
Most people have an incredible , sensual honeymoon.......after all, that is the time that things are getting started and times should be very happy and exciting. These are the memories that I have of my honeymoon. We had rented a room that was one notch above Motel 6. We still did not get a mint !!! We both laid there, and looked at each other, and tried to conjure up some passionate feelings. Kissing him was like kissing a cold fish. There was no foreplay. If I could have had a stopwatch, I would have started counting one -one thousand, two -one thousand, and then yelled...."Are we done yet???" The entire experience was gross. Neither of us could even pretend that we were sexually attracted to each other!!!
We were now going on four years of employment with Jim. God truly was blessing me in this business. I won paid vacations, sales contests, and was one of the top salespeople in the country. Corporate had termed the dealership as a "blossoming success," and everyone was happy.....so it seemed.
CHAPTER 10 The BIG A!!! ©
In hindsight, I now realize that the enemy was setting me up for the perfect excuse to have an affair. When two people have sex outside of their marriage, it is called adultery. I termed it the "Big A. "It all started on my birthday when Jim kissed me. We were alone in the office, and you might say, that is all she wrote!!! I was already in love with this man, and the kissing and physical contact is all it took. He had become my best friend, my lover, my father, my boss, and my soul mate. What we had going on was hot, exciting, and fun........for a season!!!
It was also around this time that the Lord said to me very sternly one day in the car, "DON'T FORGET HELL!!!" I tried to blow Him off, but I knew exactly what He was saying. He was dealing with my double life, and letting me know that He saw everything, and that I was not excluded from going to hell, just because He had already pulled me out once. However, God pulled me out of hell, so that I could warn other people. I believe that is the only reason......because I deserved to go there!!!
I have realized that if you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness, satan will bring an onslaught of his forces to try to stop you. This is why it is so important that we walk clean, and do not play games. It is also important that people have a wall and hedge of protection of massive prayer surrounding them at all times. If not , it is like going into battle naked. You have nothing on, and you have no weapons. You become an easy target for the enemy.*
There is a common saying......."YOU CAN'T CON AN EX-CON!!!" I took the proof to Harold, and told him what I had done. At first he was mad, but then realized it had to be done to prove that this guy was crooked. We wanted to do things in the proper manner. We had called in one of our friends, to be our witness. He had seen the proof, and also believed that Lance was a thief. We asked Lance and his wife over to our home, and we confronted him with the evidence. He did not come clean, he went ballistic, and called me every name in the book. I remember as he was leaving our home, I said to him, "Lance, I pity you for stealing God's money!!!"*
One day, while running, the Lord said this to me, "YOU HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH THE SPIRIT OF RELIGION!!!" He then gave me a vision of the building of this particular denomination. He showed me a tall steeple like edifice......and on top of the building was a BIG, UGLY , BLACK SPIDER with its creepy legs dangling down. He said, "THIS IS THE STRONGHOLD OVER THIS CHURCH, AND THAT IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH."
I believe bitterness is a spirit, it hangs around sarcasm, criticism, envy, jealousy, strife, resentment, grief, hurt, pouting, and few other cousin demons. I also believe that cancer is a spirit, and it hangs around the demons of infirmity, death, depression, gloom, doom, hate, unforgiving, and few others. I know that the medical world will say that I am still on drugs by that claim, but I do know it is a spiritual thing. I believe that when you open yourself up with hate and unforgiving towards other people, you open yourself up to Pandora's box of demons.*
The bottom line is that if we do not forgive people, we are in trouble with God, and we bring on many demons because of it. It is like dog poop attracting flies. In fact, one of the names for satan is Beelzebub or "the Lord of flies." How very appropriate a name!!! Satan and his demons are like flies, and they come around messes and they try to stir up trouble.
He looked at me with this stupid glare, and said, "I don't have to forgive her......she left me." I looked at him, and I said, "Oh , so I suppose that makes you bigger than God. Jesus forgives you, but you can't forgive her....what is wrong with this picture??? You are the one laying on your back dying of cancer. I think maybe you better think about this forgiveness thing again!!!"* I then said that I realized that I never loved him, and that this entire thing had been nothing but a farce. He looked at me straight in the eyes, and told me that he had never loved me either.
As I was sitting in our old church, the Lord gave me a vision of Harold and Sam tipping glasses at the upcoming wedding supper of the Lamb. It was the first time that I had total peace that Harold was with the Lord, and he was truly happy for the first time in his life.*
1a. an image used as an object of worship.
1b. a false god.
2. One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.
3. Something visible but without substance.
I now owed much more than the house was worth, and it was upside down!!! The ATM machine had dried up!!! I had resigned myself that I would let the home go into foreclosure, and I would ride out the storm. In the state of Michigan, you have one year before the mortgage company can repossess your home. The Titanic was sinking, and I was determined I would go down with it!!!
As I stated before, the Lord really does have an awesome sense of humor. He is hip, funny, and knows how to speak your language!!! I had gone from being a landlord, and having tenants, to becoming a tenant again. My new landlords last name was "Sober!!!" (I have not changed her last name!!!) When she first identified herself, when I called initially, I said, "What did you say your last name was???" She said, it is "Sober!!!" I said, "you know, that is really funny!!!" I knew in my heart that God was speaking through this woman, and that is what He was wanting me to do.....GET SOBER!!!
On Thanksgiving day, the Holy Spirit, woke me up at 4:00 am. He said to me, "IF YOU DO NOT GET THIS HATE OUT OF YOUR HEART, YOU WILL CONTINUE TO GO AROUND IN CIRCLES, AND CHASE YOUR TAIL LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN." I spent the entire day on Thanksgiving crying and making a list of everyone that had done me wrong, and that I hated.* I thought that had been taken care of, but God was digging very deep and knew the truth.
When I handed the keys over to this particular person, I had a horrible, sinking feeling in my stomach. Just as the Lord had said, "YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THIS GUY!!!", I ended up having problems with this guy!!! After the dust had settled, the Lord said to me, "YOU LET A SNAKE INTO THE HOUSE.......AND YOU GAVE HIM THE KEYS!!!" The exact thing is true when we mess around with sin, we actually give the devil permission to come in and mess up our house!!!*
When I saw the guy entering the premise, in the spirit, I saw a nest of snakes coiled over his head. When I got around him, I had a horrible feeling in my stomach, and I felt very uncomfortable in his presence. When he would leave the area, I could feel his demons that would remain. Even after hours of him being gone, I could smell the spirits associated with his many addictions. I would command these demons to return to the pit, in the name of Jesus, and get off the property.
Satan has an organized army of demons, and there are different rankings, and orders. Flocks of demons are associated with other flocks of demons. It goes along with the saying......"birds of a feather......flock together!!!" Once you read this, it will be easy to identify certain types of people that you know, and perhaps yourself!!! The purpose is to give you a better understanding of the "separate the demons from the people " message!!! LOVE AND FORGIVE THE PEOPLE......HATE THE DEMONS......AND TELL THEM TO GO BACK TO PIT!!!
As I was going down the country road, about two miles from the customers home, I slid into an embankment. I was stuck, and I could not get out. I recall placing my head upon the steering wheel, and crying out the name of Jesus.* It was late, I had no cell phone, and I knew it would be a miracle if anyone would be around to help me. There were no houses or neighbors in sight. I pleaded for God to help me!!! Within about 3 minutes of praying and crying, a white truck appeared from nowhere. A man got out of the truck, did not say a word, and placed a hook with a chain under the bumper of my car. He got back into his white , new truck, and yanked my little car out of the ditch. I went to reach into my purse to give him the five dollar bill that I had. By the time that I opened up the door to give this man.....this angel...the money, he and the truck completely disappeared.
It was the coolest thing I have ever seen. It was a WATER SPOUT, and it looked like God Himself was pouring water from heaven out of a tea pot onto the lake!!! I started to cry, and felt foolish , so I got back into my car. I said, "Lord, what are you saying.....I am weeping, and I know you are saying something to everyone here!!!" He responded, and said, "I AM POURING OUT MY SPIRIT!!!" I knew He was, because the presence of the Holy Spirit always makes me weep!!!
Sin , arrogant pride, and rebellion against God has consequences, and they are very serious in nature. There will be more disease, natural disasters, financial collapses, earthquakes, and mass devastation , if this country does not get delivered from the demonic influences that has her so drunk , stoned , insatiable, horny and BLIND!!
Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Instead of worrying about your 401-k , or your FICA SCORE......what are you doing to set yourself for eternity. ETERNITY IS MUCH LONGER THAN THE MERE 70-80 YEARS HERE ON EARTH. DO YOU HAVE FIRE INSURANCE??? THE AGENTS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST, AND HE SHED HIS BLOOD SO THAT YOU WOULD NOT HAVE TO BURN!
Love GOD and His Son JESUS
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: All text in the book is written in this blue color. All scripture backing it up is in the color purple. If it is easier for you to follow the flow of the message, read the blue print first!!! After you have absorbed the overall message, I would recommend going back and studying the scripture portion.
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Easy to FORWARD this HOMEPAGE to family, friends, and all people you care about! (and your enemies)
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